Domaine de La Marie
Des vacances en Gîte de Charme au pied du Luberon

Domaine de La Marie

Access to the Domaine

How to come to the Domaine de La Marie

Our adress:

6 Chemin de Raye Perdue
84240 Peypin d’Aigues


  • From Marseille-Provence International Airport or Aix-en-Provence TGV train station, follow D9 direction Aix-en-Provence then A51 direction Gap, exit: Pertuis. Follow direction: La Tour d'Aigues, Grambois following D956 and D122 towards Peypin-d'Aigues, once at Peypin-d'Aigues, turn right on D42 then you will find the destination on the third road on the left
  • If you arrive from the A7 (Lyon), exit towards Cavaillon (25) or Sénas (26) then follow Pertuis. In Pertuis follow La Tour d'Aigues, Grambois following D956 and D122 towards Peypin d'Aigues. Once you reach Peypin-d'Aigues via the D122, take D42 on the right and you will find the destination on the third road on the left.
  • If you are coming from the A51 (Aix-en-Provence or Manosque side), exit towards Pertuis (15). At Pertuis follow La Tour d'Aigues, Grambois following D956 and D122 towards Peypin d'Aigues. Once you reach Peypin-d'Aigues via the D122, take D42 on the right and you will find the destination on thethird road on the left.

If you need any help, call us :


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Domaine de La Marie

Votre gîte de groupe pleine nature proche de Aix-en-Provence

6 Chemin de Raye Perdue 84240 Peypin d'Aigues ~ Vaucluse (84) ~ Sud Luberon
06 72 84 64 61 ~ 06 22 60 65 94 ~
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Domaine de La Marie